Reasons Behind the Popularity of SVG Image Format
SVG stands for a scalable vector
graphic. It is a format for rendering the two-dimensional images that are commonly
used for logos, icons, and illustrations. The best thing about SVG files is
that it scales from the small to big and it does not lose even a pinch of
Advantages of SVG
The use of SVG designs has become
more widespread as it continues to move in the vector-based art direction. SVG
images are composed of mathematical equations where the curves and lines make
up graphic images, shapes, and text in the XML format. There are numerous
advantages of using this type of graphics such as
Generally, the
SVGs are small in the file size and they download faster. Moreover, you can
place the inline SVG code in HTML and cut down on server requests. On a
common-sized monitor, you would require millions of pixels to fill the screen
with a digital photograph. Whereas with the fraction of file size, you can make
the colorful full-screen SVG backgrounds.
Easy Styling
CSS is the best
way to style websites. SVGs are written in the XML that makes it easier for you
to target the bits as well as pieces that make the entire SVG. You can
re-position the arrow’s direction within an icon or even change the color of
the icon. Moreover, you can hide and show the reusable vectors start as part of
the rating system. For easy animations, you can place many properties on the
mouse hovers.
Another reason
behind the popularity of SVG cut files is that they are scalable. With
responsive design becoming a new norm, websites need to consider different
screen sizes. This is the reason that graphics which scale automatically are
more popular on the web. Moreover, you can also shrink the pictures on the
websites decently.
SVG images are
made of smaller parts that you can manipulate easily. With the help of CSS, you
can style and animate the files. Moreover, without using flash, you can get
rich flash-like experiences.
Outstanding Resolution
It is a known
fact that zoom levels, screen sizes or resolutions do not matter because a
simple picture is seen on numerous computers around the world. The thing that
matters at this point is quality. The SVG is a format that allows shapes, fills,
and paths resulting in the infinite resolution. You can resize the SVG files
without losing the image quality.
Easy Rearrangement
While preparing
the images for the web, the destination determines the dimensions. Some
websites would want the image to be square just like Instagram, while some would
require landscape or portrait orientations. With vector graphics, you can
easily resize and re-positions elements around the varying dimensions. In case
you download the free vector graphics, you get the opportunity for color edits
to match the company branding.
Apart from these, SVG files are
great for the readability as well as support transparency. Using this format is
the best way to stand out from the competition.
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